Tiffany Rose Bouquet
CODE: 2662
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” These enchantingly colored Tiffany Blue roses (select the no. of stalks below) contrast perfectly against white baby’s breath in a breath-taking hand bouquet befitting of the most elegant and refined of ladies. This Tiffany Rose Bouquet comes arranged with elegant white wrapper.
Note: Picture shows 18 stalks rose. Tiffany roses are chemically treated with approved floral colouring. Price includes only the flower bouquet.
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For urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.
Tiffany Rose Bouquet
CODE: 2662
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” These enchantingly colored Tiffany Blue roses (select the no. of stalks below) contrast perfectly against white baby’s breath in a breath-taking hand bouquet befitting of the most elegant and refined of ladies. This Tiffany Rose Bouquet comes arranged with elegant white wrapper.
Note: Picture shows 18 stalks rose. Tiffany roses are chemically treated with approved floral colouring. Price includes only the flower bouquet.
Select your desired delivery date/time below:

delivery will be anytime within the selected time slot above.
for urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.