Tiffany Blue Rose Bouquet
CODE: 2900
$118.00Synonymous with timeless elegance and sophistication, the spectacular Tiffany Blue color scheme perfectly enhances the beauty of this elegantly arranged Tiffany blue rose bouquet (9 stalk) comes with sandy pink wrapper bouquet. A stunning rendition of a perfect romantic date, a birthday surprise, or just to set that special someone’s heart racing!
Note: Roses are chemically treated with approved floral colouring.
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For urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.
Tiffany Blue Rose Bouquet
CODE: 2900
- $118.00
Synonymous with timeless elegance and sophistication, the spectacular Tiffany Blue color scheme perfectly enhances the beauty of this elegantly arranged Tiffany blue rose bouquet (9 stalk) comes with sandy pink wrapper bouquet. A stunning rendition of a perfect romantic date, a birthday surprise, or just to set that special someone’s heart racing!
Note: Roses are chemically treated with approved floral colouring.
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delivery will be anytime within the selected time slot above.
for urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.