Carnation Bouquet - Mother's Day Special

CODE: 2304


Crowned as the official flower of choice for Mother’s Day since the early 1900s, the carnation is one of the most graceful and elegant blooms and is symbolic of gratitude and love. What better way to send a big Thank You to Mum than this striking hand bouquet featuring deep red carnations (6 stalks) gathered with lilac statice and seasonal greenery?

Earliest Delivery: 28-03-2025, 1:00pm - 6:00pm ($0.00)

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For urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.

10 Votes

Carnation Bouquet - Mother's Day Special

CODE: 2304

  • $89.00

Crowned as the official flower of choice for Mother’s Day since the early 1900s, the carnation is one of the most graceful and elegant blooms and is symbolic of gratitude and love. What better way to send a big Thank You to Mum than this striking hand bouquet featuring deep red carnations (6 stalks) gathered with lilac statice and seasonal greenery?

Select your desired delivery date/time below:

delivery will be anytime within the selected time slot above.

for urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.

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188 Race Course Road #01-03
Singapore 218612

Walk 2-min from Farrer Park MRT (Entrance of Exit F)
Drive via Roberts Lane from Serangoon Road

Tel: (65) 6396 4422

Biz. Registration No.: 52975378B