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A Ray Of Kindness:

my first flower bouquet

The writer’s personal encounter on receiving her first bouquet of flowers ever!

The day had arrived, November 7th, the day of my A-Level General Paper examination. With a sense of confidence, I walked into the examination hall for Paper 1, having focused all my efforts on government and politics-related questions—a theme that had recurred over the past decade. However, my optimism was swiftly shattered when I flipped open the question paper. None of the questions aligned with the theme I had meticulously prepared for. I felt disbelief washing over me as I scanned the questions again, realizing my efforts had been in vain.

As I grappled with the unexpected turn of events, I struggled to select a suitable question. Time seemed to slip away, and with each passing minute, my mental state grew increasingly fragile. Eventually, after a painstaking ten minutes, I settled on the question, “To what extent can individuals shape their own lives when the world is so unpredictable?” as it appeared to be the closest match to my knowledge. But as I began writing, I soon discovered my lack of concrete examples, leading to mounting frustration and self-doubt.

In a desperate attempt to salvage my essay, I abandoned my initial question and hastily switched to one about consumerism. Though I wrote as fast as my pen would allow, the minutes slipped away, and I found myself unable to complete the essay in its entirety. The absence of a well-rounded conclusion, where I could have provided a thoughtful evaluation, left me feeling disheartened. The weight of my mistakes bore down on me, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I left the examination hall.

Outside the examination hall, I sought solace on a bench, my gaze drawn to the sky above. The gloomy clouds mirrored my sombre mood, and a gray pallor seemed to have engulfed the world. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of isolation and despair.

Just when I thought my day had reached its lowest point, a voice broke through the melancholy air. “This is for you, cheer up!” Startled, I raised my gaze from the ground to find a schoolmate standing before me. Her face radiated reassurance as she extended her arms, holding a bouquet of flowers. With a simple gesture, she placed the bouquet in my hands before disappearing into the crowd.

bouquet of flowers

I sat there, stunned, struggling to process the unexpected act of kindness that had unfolded before me. It was my first experience receiving a bouquet of flowers, and I marvelled at their vibrant blooms and delicate fragrance. The flowers mesmerized me, their presence evoking a warm sensation that washed over my entire being.

In that moment, the weight of my mistakes and the darkness that had clouded my spirit began to dissipate. The bouquet served as a poignant reminder that life encompasses more than a single exam. It reminded me of the effort I had invested throughout the year and the resilience required to navigate the unpredictable turns that life presents. With newfound determination, I resolved to pick myself up for the remaining examination season.

Looking back, I am immensely grateful for the girl who offered me flowers. Although our paths may never cross again, her selfless act served as a beacon of hope in my darkest hour. I searched in vain for her face in the subsequent days, eager to express my gratitude. Alas, I was unable to find her, and her name remained a mystery to me. Nevertheless, this encounter left an indelible mark on my heart, inspiring me to perpetuate the cycle of kindness.

The unexpected flower bouquet became a symbol of redemption and resilience, reminding me of the power of human connection and the immense impact a small act of kindness can have. It transformed my perspective, encouraging me to embrace the beauty that can arise from life’s unexpected twists and turns. From that day forward, I vowed to pay forward the kindness I had received, knowing that even the simplest gestures can brighten someone’s day and offer them hope in their darkest moments.

Written by Jessie Yu

Bouquet of Flowers Rose Bouquet - Paddle Pop Colour

How to Harness the Language of Flowers to Convey Profound Emotions

flowers give meaning to our feelings

Flowers have long been regarded as messengers of deep sentiments, conveying emotions that words often fail to express. Whether it’s the vibrant petals of a rose, the delicate blossoms of baby’s breath, or the captivating beauty of a bouquet, the symbolism of flowers is a powerful language in itself. We will explore the art of using flower symbolism to communicate your feelings with utmost grace and eloquence. From flower delivery in Singapore to understanding the significance of various floral arrangements, we will delve into the world of floristry, where emotions bloom into breath-taking expressions.

The Intricate Symbolism of Flower


When it comes to understanding flower symbolism, one must navigate a garden of intricate meanings and interpretations. The perplexity lies in unravelling the hidden messages behind each bloom. Each flower possesses its own unique significance, allowing us to tailor our expressions with precision. From the resplendent rose, which represents love in all its forms, to the ethereal baby’s breath that signifies innocence and purity, every petal holds a story waiting to be whispered.

The Burst of Colours and Fragrances

Just as human emotions vary in intensity and nuance, the language of flowers thrives on diversity. To evoke emotions, it is crucial to embrace the kaleidoscope of colours and fragrances that nature offers. Picture a magnificent bouquet of flowers, meticulously arranged by a florist near you, bursting with hues and scents that ignite the senses. The vibrant reds of roses, the calming blues of forget-me-nots, and the playful yellows of sunflowers create a symphony of emotions, crafting a poetic dance of colours that resonates deeply within.

Forget Me Not Bouquet sunflower bouquet


Crafting Our Thoughts with Flowers

To ensure the human touch let us paint a picture with our words, blending the rhythm of our thoughts with our imagination, just as a bouquet of flowers marries elegance with simplicity. Imagine describing the delicate petals of a preserved flower in Singapore, capturing the essence of time frozen in beauty. Feel the emotions dance within the minds, painting vivid imagery that stirs the recipients’ imagination and engages their emotions.

Understanding the Significance of Bouquets

contemporary bouquet

When contemplating flower symbolism, one cannot overlook the significance of bouquets. These carefully curated arrangements carry profound meanings, encapsulating emotions in a tangible form. A bouquet of roses whispers love, while a composition of baby’s breath exudes purity and tenderness. Florist delivery services bring these exquisite bouquets to your doorstep, bridging the gap between heartfelt sentiments and tangible expressions.

cappuccino bouquet iris bouquet


The Timeless Elegance of Rose Bouquets

red rose bouquet

In the realm of flower symbolism, the rose reigns supreme, its beauty and complexity rivalling the intricacies of human emotions. A rose bouquet speaks a language that transcends borders and cultures, symbolizing love, passion, and desire. Just as love unfolds in various shades, roses come in an array of colours, each imbued with its own unique significance. A scarlet rose ignites fiery passion, while a pink rose conveys admiration and gratitude. Whether gifted for a special occasion or as an unexpected gesture, a rose bouquet is a timeless expression of love that transcends time and space.

The Ethereal Grace of Baby’s Breath Bouquets

baby's breath bouquet

Sometimes, the most profound emotions are found in simplicity. This holds true for the delicate baby’s breath bouquet, where the tiny blooms weave a tale of purity, innocence, and everlasting love. As each delicate blossom mingles with its companions, they create a cloud of ethereal grace, capturing the essence of tenderness and sincerity that words often struggle to convey. A baby’s breath bouquet serves as a gentle reminder that love can be found in the simplest gestures and that even the tiniest blooms can leave a lasting impression.

Flower Delivery in Singapore: A Convenient Path to Expressions

flower delivery

In today’s fast-paced world, expressing our feelings through flowers has become easier and more convenient, thanks to flower delivery services in Singapore. With just a few clicks, you can select the perfect bouquet from the comfort of your own home and have it delivered to your loved one’s doorstep. Whether it’s a grand gesture or a subtle surprise, the act of sending flowers holds a power that transcends distances, bringing joy, comfort, and love to those who receive them.

Preserved Flowers: Capturing Sentiments in Time

preserved rose bouquet

While the beauty of fresh flowers is ephemeral, preserved flowers offer a unique way to immortalize emotions. Preserved flower arrangements in Singapore have gained popularity for their ability to retain the natural beauty of blooms for an extended period. These meticulously crafted floral creations encapsulate cherished moments and allow the recipient to relish the sentiment behind the gift for years to come. A preserved flower arrangement can be a symbol of everlasting love, an enduring reminder of a special occasion, or a tangible representation of heartfelt emotions.

The Melody of Floral Wreaths: From Celebrations to Farewells

funeral wreath

Flowers not only have the power to celebrate joyous occasions but also to console during times of sorrow. Funeral flower wreaths and condolence flowers in Singapore carry a solemn elegance, serving as a heartfelt tribute to honour the departed. These condolence flowers, typically adorned with roses, lilies, or chrysanthemums, offer solace, support, and a visual representation of the love and respect held for the departed soul. The choice of flowers and their symbolism within the wreath holds immense significance, conveying sympathy and providing comfort to those grieving the loss of a loved one.

Floral wreath delivery in Singapore ensures that these poignant expressions of condolence reach their intended destinations promptly, allowing friends and family to feel the outpouring of support during challenging times. Funeral wreaths in Singapore serve as a poignant reminder that even in moments of grief, the language of flowers can provide solace and a shared sense of unity.

Unveiling the Profound Language of Flowers

girl clutching flowers

To truly harness the power of flower symbolism, it is essential to understand the meanings behind various blooms. For instance, the tulip signifies perfect love, while the daisy represents innocence and purity. Orchids convey elegance and refinement, while sunflowers embody warmth and loyalty. Each flower possesses its own unique personality, allowing you to curate a bouquet or floral arrangement that speaks directly to the emotions you wish to express.

Incorporating a diverse array of flowers within a single arrangement creates an expression that mirrors the complexities of human feelings. Just as life intertwines moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between, a bouquet that combines different flowers showcases the multifaceted nature of emotions. The interplay of vibrant colours, fragrant blossoms, and varying shapes and sizes cultivates a symphony of sentiments, where every petal plays its part in composing a harmonious expression.

Final Words

Flower symbolism is a captivating language that transcends barriers, allowing us to communicate our deepest feelings with grace, beauty, and eloquence. From flower delivery in Singapore to the selection of bouquets and funeral wreaths, every choice holds significance, painting a vivid picture of our emotions. By embracing the different facets of flower symbolism, we can convey sentiments that touch the hearts of those we cherish.

So, the next time you find yourself searching for the perfect way to express your love, gratitude, sympathy, or any other profound emotion, let the language of flowers be your guide. At 24Hrs City Florist, we offer one the most extensive floral designs and colour to suit every occasion and sentiments. Visit our online store today.

Why is 20th May Special in Singapore?

flower bouquet

What is the significance of this auspicious day 20 May and how is it celebrated in Singapore?


Singapore is a multicultural society, where people of different ethnicities and religions coexist harmoniously. Among its diverse population, the Chinese community forms the largest group, accounting for about 74% of the total residents. As such, Chinese culture and traditions have a strong influence on Singapore’s social and festive landscape.

One of the most popular occasions for celebrating love among the Chinese community is 20 May, also known as 520 or Chinese Valentine’s Day. But what is the origin and meaning of this special day? And how do Chinese couples in Singapore celebrate it? Here are some answers and insights for you.

The Origin and Meaning of 520


The number 520 may seem like a normal number for you, but for many Chinese people, it has a very special meaning. It is a homophonic word that sounds very close to “I love you” or “wo ai ni” in Chinese. This slang word originated from the internet as a shortcut to express love, like ILY in English. It then became associated with the date May 20th (5.20), which turned into a very romantic day.

Nowadays, 20 May is more important as a day of opportunity for men to express their romantic love for women. That means ladies expect to receive flowers or gifts on this day. This date is also often selected by some Chinese couples for their wedding ceremony. Saying “I love you” to your loved ones as often as possible is the spirit of this day.


How to Celebrate 520 in Singapore


If you want to join the celebration of 520 with your partner, there are many ways to do so in Singapore. Here are some ideas for you:

Send a bouquet of flowers:

Nothing says “I love you” more than a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You can choose from various types of flowers, such as roses, carnations, lilies, orchids, or baby’s breaths. You can also customize your flower bouquet according to your partner’s preferences and personality. To make it more convenient, you can order online and get same-day flower delivery from many flower delivery services in Singapore. Flower bouquets are one of the most common and popular gifts on 520, as they can convey different messages and emotions depending on their types, colors, and numbers.  More about flower later.

Go on a romantic dinner:

Treat your partner to a delicious meal at one of the many restaurants in Singapore that offer romantic ambience and cuisine. You can choose from different types of food, such as Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, or fusion. You can also opt for a candlelight dinner or a rooftop dining experience with stunning views of the city skyline.

Watch a movie:

If you prefer something more relaxing and cozy, you can watch a movie with your partner at one of the cinemas in Singapore that offer comfortable seats and sound systems. You can choose from different genres of movies, such as romance, comedy, action, or drama. You can also bring some snacks and drinks to enjoy during the movie.

Visit an attraction:

If you want something more fun and adventurous, you can visit one of the many attractions in Singapore that offer exciting activities and experiences for couples. You can choose from different types of attractions, such as theme parks, museums, gardens, zoos, or aquariums. You can also take some photos and selfies with your partner to capture the memories.


How to Choose the Right Flowers

If you want to buy flower bouquets for your girlfriend on 520, there are some things you should consider before making your decision:

– Know her preferences: The best way to choose the right flowers is to know what your girlfriend likes or dislikes. You can pay attention to her favorite colors, styles, scents, or hobbies, or ask her friends or family members for advice.

– Know her personality: The type of flower you choose should match your girlfriend’s personality or character traits. For example, if she is cheerful and lively, you can choose bright-colored flowers like sunflowers or gerberas; if she is gentle and sweet, you can choose soft-colored flowers like carnations or tulips; if she is sophisticated and elegant, you can choose exotic flowers like orchids or lilies.

Buying flowers for your girlfriend on 520 is a thoughtful and sweet gesture that can make her feel loved and appreciated. Remember that it is not about how expensive or extravagant the flowers are, but how sincere and genuine your feelings are.

Here are some of the most popular flowers and their meanings in Singapore:



Roses are the classic choice for expressing love and romance, especially red roses that symbolize passion and devotion. The number of roses in a rose bouquet also matters: one rose means “you are my only one”, nine roses mean “eternal love”, 99 roses mean “forever”, and 999 roses mean “everlasting love”.


Carnations are another popular choice for expressing love and gratitude, especially pink carnations that symbolize admiration and appreciation. They are also suitable for mothers, as they represent maternal love and often the flower given on Mother’s Day in Singapore.


Lilies are elegant and fragrant flowers that symbolize purity and innocence. They are often given to young women or brides-to-be, as they represent happiness and good luck in marriage.


Orchids are exotic and graceful flowers that symbolize beauty and elegance. They are often given to women who have refined taste or artistic talent, as they represent admiration and respect.

Baby’s breaths:

Baby’s breath bouquets are one of the trending and popular  delicate and lovely flowers that symbolize innocence and purity. They are often used as filler flowers or paired with other flowers to create a romantic effect.

Why not arrange for a flower bouquet delivery on this day to your beloved someone.


Final Word

Many Chinese couples in Singapore share their love and happiness on social media platforms such as WeChat, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. They may also use digital red envelopes or stickers to send greetings or blessings to their friends or family members who are celebrating this day. Celebrating love on 520 is not only limited to Chinese couples in Singapore. Many other ethnic groups or foreigners who live or work in Singapore may also join in this celebration, as they appreciate the cultural diversity and festive atmosphere of this city-state.

Whatever you choose to do on 520 with your partner, make sure you express your love sincerely and genuinely. Remember that 520 is not just about gifts or dates; it’s about celebrating your relationship and making each other happy.

What are Cappuccino Roses?

cappuccino rose bouquet

Cappuccino roses are charming due to their romantic combination of dusty pink, beige brown hues with a slight hint of raspberry pink on the edges of its petals. It’s interesting colour combination makes it unique compared to other colours of popular roses such as the classic red rose or pretty pink roses. Cappuccino rose bouquets are also exceptionally popular for wedding designs and bridal bouquets as it makes a great flower bouquet for those who love earthy and neutral colour palettes with a hint of rustic romance.

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Gerbera Flower Bouquet

Gerbera Bouquet

Gerberas have been a household name in the world of bouquet delivery and giving  for a long time– even being the fifth most popular cut flower in the world.  Almost all florist around the world offer gerbera flower delivery.  It comes to no surprise after all, with its distinctive double petals that come in bright arrays of colours ranging from red, pink, yellow, orange and white. Native to tropical regions like Africa, America and Asia, Gerberas often bloom during the summer through fall, and are cheerful flowers that are seen to always turn to the sun.


Basic care for Gerberas

Gerberas are blooms that belong to the Asteraceae family, one that is similar to sunflowers and daisies. They often boast an excellent vase life, and make great freshly cut flowers as they are wonderful bouquets to gift to your loved ones. With lukewarm water, shade and a flower foam to keep it upright due to its heavier structure, the Gerberas in your house would look as beautiful and healthy as they do in their initially bought or received bouquet.

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12 Most Popular Flower Bouquets

Sending a flower bouquet to a loved one can be a tricky thing. Often times, we’re not sure which flower bouquet to send or pick. When that happens, sometimes there’s no harm in choosing a safe bet from a list of 12 most popular flower bouquets. We’re sure there’s good reason why these bouquets made it to the list.

Read on to find out which bouquets made the top 12 most popular flower bouquet list!

1. Rose Bouquet

Red Rose Bouquets

It’s no surprise that rose bouquets are at the top of the list. A symbol of romance and love, roses are often given as expressions of one’s endearing love for another. There’s something classic about a beautifully curated hand bouquet that’s full of blooming roses which is bound to make your loved one who’s receiving the bouquet smile. Today’s bouquet, roses have been crafted to make them more unique – in some occasions, roses are dyed with interesting colours, multi-layered colours, florescent pigmented dye/spray that make rose glows in the dark and spreading or partially peeling down the outer petals of roses for them to look more glorious, a method knows as ‘reflex’.

Blue Rose Bouquet

Blue has always been the colour of desire, love, and inspiration. That is perhaps why it is one of roses’ popular colour. Blue roses are not typically organically grown from the ground unlike most other rose colours – to obtain their pigmented blue petals, some form of colour dye-ing process is required or they are chemically treated with approved floral spray.

Today, there is a variety of ‘blue’ or ‘multicoloured’ rose bouquets, they come not just in a variety of blue hues such as French blue, ice blue, larkspur, tiffany blue and many colours but the method the pigment is treated onto the flowers eg. the fading blueish petals or soft pastel paddle pop colour that looks as good to eat.

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Flowers and Astrology

The best flower bouquet for each month

Astrology – the word itself springs a multitude of debates. Is astrology real ? Should one believe in it ? Does our birth date actually spell out our personality and destiny ? Well, these questions, like many questions about the cosmos remain unanswered. However, you cannot deny that delving into the world of astrology is pretty fun – especially when what is being described truly strikes a chord with you ! While many know about the daily horoscope column in newspapers and information about the basic 12 signs, did you know that each sign also has a flower associated with it ? Interestingly, there are flowers known to be symbolic of signs in the zodiac and are linked to the traits of each sign. From the constellations of stars above to the seeds of flowers below, let’s take a journey to see which flowers are best suited for your zodiac sign ! These bouquets are available for flower delivery in Singapore.

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Chinese Valentine’s Day

Chinese Valentine’s Day, Qixi falls on the seventh day of the seventh month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, whose name is “七夕” (Qixi), typically fall in the month of August. Chinese Valentine’s Day originated from a romantic fable about two lovers: the seventh daughter of the Goddess of Heaven and a simple cowherd. It is said that the cowherd from the mundane world and weaving goddess from heaven loved each other. But love between the goddess and human beings was forbidden.

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Quirky Bouquet – Fun Character Bouquet

Quirky Flower Bouquet

When one thinks of flowers, it is often that elegance, grace and perhaps love come to mind. But what if we told you flowers can be fun, quirky and unique? has been creating flower bouquets bursting with character since 2011, ranging from different kinds of arrangements mimicking beloved characters, as well as playful bouquets with a distinctive style. Don’t be stuck in the past with the more traditional bouquets, and express yourself by gifting these exciting and idiosyncratic arrangements. Allow us to introduce some of our newer character bouquets…

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The Therapeutic Nature of Flowers & Plants

It is a well-known trialled and tested method that gifting flowers can help you get half the job done when you’re trying to make someone happy. Be it trying to pacify the partner, congratulating someone on a job well done, or wishing a loved one a happy birthday,  or wishing someone to get well soon, or sending a condolence message – florists all around the world have been offering plants and flowers delivery since ancient Egypt which dates back to 2,500 BCE.  The act of giving flowers have long had a very prominent place in these practices and occasions. I thought about what it is about flowers that can put people in such a happy place. Perhaps it is the aesthetic sight of a bouquet that lifts one’s spirits, or the thought behind the bouquet that makes us feel appreciated. Yet there are many other things in our midst that can mimic those traits of a gifted flower bouquet – so why specifically are flowers so attractive to us?

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This Is What Flowers Mean To Me

A personal reflection of what flowers meant to a young working lady

Having me write this article might appear ironic — because I haven’t always had this much interest in flowers.

Unfortunately, growing up as the young unknowing girl that I was, I used to think flowers were for the frivolous and pretentious damsel. While I did acknowledge that flowers were easy on the eyes, my ‘interactions’ with florals and blooms were solely limited to basic sunflower Tumblr phone wallpapers and floral accessories. In my narrow worldview, sending flowers or flower delivery were simply economically unsustainable and its perceived benefits didn’t quite outweigh its costs enough for me to purchase them out of my own will.

From a romanticism point of view, it just didn’t quite make sense to cut these flowers off their stems prematurely (and effectively remove nature from nature) for the human benefit (our eyes??!!).

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Best Time To Send Flowers to a Girl

The best time and place to send flowers to a girl is at any time and at anyplace! However, this does not mean that the time and place where you send flowers are not important! Every relationship is different, and every girl reacts to receiving flowers differently. This article will tell you all you need to know about how to make a flower delivery meaningful, so read on for the answers to your questions!

When to Send Flowers

One of the first few things you have to decide on before sending flowers is when you will be sending them. Generally, flower bouquet can be sent anytime in the year, whether it be a special occasion or for no reason at all. After all, receiving a bouquet of flowers will always be a lovely surprise for a girl, no matter the time and day. However, sending flowers on occasions that are especially significant and personal to your recipient will help strengthen the effect of the flower delivery, and show her that you care. Below, we will outline examples of such occasions.

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10 Lesser Known Flowers For Bouquets

Flower bouquets are one of those gift staples that, despite being relatively mainstream, cannot really go too wrong. Unless we choose a flower unbefitting of an occasion, flower bouquets could be one of the safest bets for the clueless gift giver. Yet it is this very convenience of bouquets that could potentially make one appear thoughtless and overly casual with our choice of gifts. This is definitely a downfall that we want to avoid – why spend such amounts on a gift that would make you look bad? This however does not mean we give up on flower bouquets – after all, flowers are one of the most beautiful gifts that has endured the test of time. What we need to do, is ensure that we are making a bouquet with sincerity. It does pay off to spend some effort picking the right combination of flowers, with the appropriate symbolizations, that can best convey your thoughts to the receiver. With the humongous variety of flowers available, it is not difficult to customize your bouquet and make it unique to your receiver. In this article, we will introduce 10 less common flower types that you can consider including in your bouquet delivery to make it stand out.

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Should you buy or wrap your own flower bouquet?

A flower bouquet is a perfect gift to light up someone’s day, and there’s nothing like being surprised by pretty blooms that beautify any space. Planning to gift a flower bouquet to your loved one but not sure if you should buy or wrap it yourself?

You’re not the only one. You may question if it’s worth it to embark on a personal project and make your own, whether it’ll turn out successful and if it’s worth-well to do so in terms of cost. There are definitely pros of either buying or making your own flower bouquet.

Read on to find out the pros of both buying and making your own bouquet of flowers to decide which you should do!

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Why Do People Give Graduation Flowers?

Final year students over the world are once again graced with graduation season, but this year things are obviously not the same. Amidst the global pandemic, not only have classes and examinations been brought online, graduation certificates, that sacred piece of paper for which students spend close to 25 years of formal education on, are being sent out via mail. Convocations have been cancelled, brought online, or postponed (!) to the following year. We’re not sure about how many people appreciate going back for a graduation ceremony one year after the actual graduation, but it will likely make for a good get-together amidst everyone’s new stage of adulthood. This article is a tribute to all the graduates of 2020 who will be missing out on what we understand is deemed as one of the most important milestones in their lives.

The lack of physical graduation ceremonies should, however, not stop us from commemorating this important milestone. The internet is an amazing resource – worldwide, schools have capitalised on it to bring their convocation online, with students who are now back in their home countries simultaneously logging in to attend a virtual ceremony. On our part, we can similarly easily set up video calls with our graduating friends to send our congrats, and better still, tap on online delivery services to surprise them with graduation flower gifts. This is a great way to let our friends know that we haven’t forgotten about their achievements, and are here to celebrate with them in spirit. For ideas on graduation gifts, check out this previous article on the best graduation gifts new grads will love. There may be a multitude of plausible gifts, but when thinking about graduation gifts, one of the first things that come to our minds might possibly be a beautiful flower bouquet. It could almost be said to be a mainstay in all graduation pictures – apart from the gown and the certificate, one would be hard-pressed to find a graduate without a bouquet nestled snugly in their arms. If you are thinking of gifting your friend that graduation bouquet, there are many flower delivery services that could easily do you the favour. But hold up! Before you delve into a fervent search for flowers for your graduating friend/child/relative, let’s take some time to find out the why behind flower gifting at graduation ceremonies. That way, you could make your gift a lot more meaningful to the receiver and ensure that this pseudo-graduation becomes even more memorable.

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15 Flowers That Symbolise Love To Add Into Your Bouquet

XXX flowers = XXX meanings

From a time immemorial to our contemporary souls today, flowers have been alluded meanings by ancient traditions and folk cultures. Perhaps back then when people were not quite as preoccupied with work, school and modern-day shenanigans, they could afford the luxury of time to compose mythical narratives and concoct imaginative parables, creating the notion of flower symbolism that we know of today. While some lexical semantics have faded in tandem with history, others have withstood the test of time and continue to be memorialised and perpetuated amongst flower-lovers or anthophiles (a term to describe people who adore flowers, apparently) today.

As far as romanticism is concerned, a significant lot of flowers have been accorded with metaphors for love, affection and adoration. Love can be interpreted in a multitude of ways — love for a partner, love for friends and love for family — which resultantly, opens up a plethora of different flowers symbolising the varying spectrums of love.

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Ways to express your love through flowers

Giving of Flowers

Flower gifting should hold a spot amongst the universal love languages. It is an act so commonly associated with the expression of love (be it romantic love, friendship, familial love), that if you see a person holding a flower bouquet, an immediate assumption would be that this lucky gal (or guy) is being appreciated by someone else. Unfortunately, it is also this very universality of flower bouquets that has made flower gifting seem uncreative, cliched and insincere at times. Especially with the younger generations priding themselves on innovation and uniqueness, we are afraid that flower gifting might sadly become a dying art. That would be an absolute shame because flowers and the meanings they carry are still one of the most beautiful forms of communication around. To bring back some of the former glory to this spectacular gift of nature, we have come up with some unique ways to express yourself through flowers.

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Graduating in a year of a Global Pandemic

A long-awaited season, the time of graduation is near. Laughter, hugs and congratulatory praises frequent the scene as happy crowds fill up schools and institutions. Friends and families carrying bags of gifts take onto the streets, an occasion once again thriving with flower deliveries. Seniors don upon their dark blue gowns, excitement and pride surging as they wait for their anticipating audiences and the ceremony to begin.

Graduation ceremonies have long been observed as a day of giving. Flower bouquet s and gifts taking several forms, from beautiful flower assortments and wrapped vegetable medleys, to small keychain memorabilia and huge fluffy toys, are exchanged throughout the day. Graduation bouquet or physical gift-giving, such gifts, from the start are already known to be the best addition of love and joy in these times of celebratory occasions. They serve to applaud the day of fruitful achievements, and to commemorate the students’ years of hard work and efforts in this chapter of their lives.

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6 Things to Do During Circuit Breaker

As Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the extension of the circuit breaker, Singaporeans all around the island breathed a collective sigh. After 2 weeks of working from home, going through home-based learning and reducing general movement, we had all been looking forward to May 4 – no, not Star Wars day – when the circuit breaker would be over. With a long month ahead of us, we should view this time at home not as a sad and isolating period, but a good time to explore new things that we wouldn’t otherwise have had the time to try out. Below is a list of 6 things that you can do during the circuit breaker period that range from productive to fun:

1. Make Dalgona Coffee

Mm, cafe style coffee in 20 minutes!

As restaurants and eateries all around Singapore closed, coffee addicts like myself scrambled to find a way to satisfy my cravings. After seeing multiple TikTok and Instagram videos featuring the frothy and cafe-style Dalgona coffee, I decided to give this trendy beverage a try. After spending 20 minutes standing over my kitchen counter with a hand whisk, the final product was a beautiful cup of frothy brown coffee foam on top of fresh milk, much like the photo above.

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My First Flower Delivery

my first flower delivery

Every girl remembers her first flower bouquet delivery. Be it a rose or a dried flower bouquet, it’s a special occasion which she will never forget. The sheer joy of holding a bunch of fresh flowers from someone she likes or loves is bound to excite and delight her beyond words.

Having a bouquet of flowers delivered to your school, house or office is a sweet romantic gesture. It could be for your birthday, anniversary or even for no reason at all! It’s one thing to receive a beautifully worded text but another thing to receive a physical bouquet delivery. Every woman might have received flower bouquets at different stages of her life, from her schooling days to her first crush, her first boyfriend or from her family member. Thinking back, I still remember the very first time I received a flower bouquet from someone I cared about…

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What is flower therapy and why is it good for you?

Flower bouquets are most commonly associated with “romance” and “gifts”. Usually, having a florist for delivery a bouquet of roses to your special someone is akin to professing your love for her. However, apart from viewing flowers as merely something material, have you ever found time to stop and smell the roses? It just might do you good.

Flower therapy is basically how flowers and blooms nourish your soul and keep you feeling refreshed. While it is a known fact that flower bouquets make excellent gifts for various occasions, they also stir up positive emotions in individuals and serve as great mood lifters. Research has also proven that blooms enrich our lives and reduce the stress levels in our lives. Read on to find out more about why flowers make the best gifts, which flowers are most suitable for which occasions and how flowers have the power to fill our lives with much joy.

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The Difference Between Dried And Fresh Flowers

dried flower bouquet

Flowers have such beauty. However, a fact of nature is that beauty fades and so do flowers. It’s nature’s way of telling us that nothing lasts forever. The question then arises, what would be a great alternative to fresh flowers if we would want something to last longer? Heard about dried or preserved flower Singapore? If you want to know the difference between fresh and dried flowers, how long do dried flowers last and the symbolism of dried flowers, then do read on to find out more.

Freshly cut flowers are gorgeous. Not only do they look amazing, they smell great too. There’s also something symbolic about having fresh blooms in one’s house or sending a fresh flower bouquet to someone. Fresh blooms symbolise hope, brightening up rooms at home and lifting one’s mood. Flowers also come in all shapes, colours and types – making it the perfect accessory for your home.  Today, one just need to google and you can choose a wide ranging flower arrangements and flower bouquets and send it for a flower delivery from any online florist. However, sadly, freshly cut flowers last about a week or so on average.

That prompts many to ask what the alternatives to fresh flower bouquets would be. Dried flower bouquets, which are equally as trendy as fresh flower bouquets, would be a cost-efficient and effective solution. Not only do they still retain the beauty of the blooms, they also last longer and are more cost efficient.

fresh flowers
fresh flowers

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Why Is Your Go-To Florist?

What makes a good florist? How do florists remain top-of-mind when customers are looking for a reliable florist to cater to their floral needs? Well, we believe the answer is pretty straightforward. All customers want is to have the best bespoke flower buying experience irrespective of the occasion or how much they spend on a floral arrangement. A good florist doesn’t necessarily need to have the biggest shop or the widest international network of professional florists. To us, we strongly believe that in order to uphold the highest standards of floristry and to create designs that are fresh and innovative, the best way is still to take the time to build relationship with our customers, understand their needs and pain points and go the extra mile to help them make their loved ones feel special on all occasions.

It is not uncommon to discover talented florists who are able to design eye-catching, garden-fresh flower bouquets or modern flower arrangements in Singapore these days. Customers are spoilt for choice when shopping for blooms. Many florists and entrepreneurs offer a diverse array of affordable yet tastefully arranged bouquets with same day flower delivery service. Customers can also easily convey to florists the style of floral arrangements they want (e.g. English garden style, bohemian style or even rustic style), indicate what colours to avoid and discuss the symbolism and connotation of flower types when placing an order.

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Flowers I Would Like to Receive throughout the years: a 23-Year Old Girl’s perspective

Flower-giving is one of the oldest practices in the world. Flowers are traditionally considered feminine, and as a young girl, I did not give 2 hoots about them. When I was young, nothing in my room gave clues to it belonging to a 10-year old girl, except if you were to open my wardrobe (my mother chose my clothes). Perhaps being the younger sibling to an older brother influenced my choices. When I was given the chance to pick a color for my room’s walls, I picked oyster grey. I had barbie dolls but I treated them as hair salon customers (they received awful haircuts). I scoffed at the color pink, played soccer with my neighbors, and caught spiders with the boys during recess. The only flowers I bothered about were the little ixoras found in bushes by the roadsides, where my brother and I would rip them off and pull out their yellow tips for their sweet
nectar, like giant pollinating bees.

I also grew up in a fairly pragmatic household, where useful gifts (such as money) were favored over “frivolous” items. My childhood was fine, but it did leave an imprint on my life as I grew up and began to experience things as a female person

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How to make your partner feel special on Valentine’s Day

14th February. Valentine’s Day.

It’s the day of the year where florists are busy arranging bouquets of red roses, boxes of heart-shaped chocolates are snatched off the shelves and reservations are made at fancy restaurants. Bouquet delivery Singapore are all planned. It may come across as a cliché date to some, but to many couples worldwide, Valentine’s Day is the day to make your partner feel special and wanted.

Synonymous with the word “love”, Valentine’s Day is a day of celebration where lovers express their love for each other by exchanging gifts, sending flower bouquets and greeting cards. While we surely know of the occasion, do we know the history and significance of the occasion? Read on to find out.

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What bouquets do millennials in Singapore really want?

According to Wikipedia, millennials (also known as Gen Y), are the generational demographic cohort following Gen X and preceding Gen Z. It’s no secret that millennials have very different preferences in terms of lifestyle and purchasing habits, so an interesting question would be whether they still like receiving a flower delivery and what bouquets do they really want?

Do they still visit florists for bouquet delivery Singapore? We get to the root of the question by asking millennials themselves through the platform most commonly associated with them – social media (Instagram, facebook, twitter). Some of the answers from the total sample pool of 30 Singaporean millennials might shock you.

flower bouquet

To start off, one might want to clarify what the definition of the term “millennial is”. Simply put, there’s no fixed age to define who can be termed a “Millennial” but most agree that the term applies to individuals who reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century. Those aged 35 and below can be considered millennials as well, making it a rather broad range. When one thinks of millennials, some characteristic traits attached to them that comes to mind would be more open-minded, self-expressive, upbeat and also more selfish. This could stem from their upbringing in a more liberal and open society as compared to the past but also mainly due to the societal habits and technological developments that have shaped their perceptions growing up.

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