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10 Lesser Known Flowers For Bouquets

Flower bouquets are one of those gift staples that, despite being relatively mainstream, cannot really go too wrong. Unless we choose a flower unbefitting of an occasion, flower bouquets could be one of the safest bets for the clueless gift giver. Yet it is this very convenience of bouquets that could potentially make one appear thoughtless and overly casual with our choice of gifts. This is definitely a downfall that we want to avoid – why spend such amounts on a gift that would make you look bad? This however does not mean we give up on flower bouquets – after all, flowers are one of the most beautiful gifts that has endured the test of time. What we need to do, is ensure that we are making a bouquet with sincerity. It does pay off to spend some effort picking the right combination of flowers, with the appropriate symbolizations, that can best convey your thoughts to the receiver. With the humongous variety of flowers available, it is not difficult to customize your bouquet and make it unique to your receiver. In this article, we will introduce 10 less common flower types that you can consider including in your bouquet delivery to make it stand out.

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Should you buy or wrap your own flower bouquet?

A flower bouquet is a perfect gift to light up someone’s day, and there’s nothing like being surprised by pretty blooms that beautify any space. Planning to gift a flower bouquet to your loved one but not sure if you should buy or wrap it yourself?

You’re not the only one. You may question if it’s worth it to embark on a personal project and make your own, whether it’ll turn out successful and if it’s worth-well to do so in terms of cost. There are definitely pros of either buying or making your own flower bouquet.

Read on to find out the pros of both buying and making your own bouquet of flowers to decide which you should do!

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Why Do People Give Graduation Flowers?

Final year students over the world are once again graced with graduation season, but this year things are obviously not the same. Amidst the global pandemic, not only have classes and examinations been brought online, graduation certificates, that sacred piece of paper for which students spend close to 25 years of formal education on, are being sent out via mail. Convocations have been cancelled, brought online, or postponed (!) to the following year. We’re not sure about how many people appreciate going back for a graduation ceremony one year after the actual graduation, but it will likely make for a good get-together amidst everyone’s new stage of adulthood. This article is a tribute to all the graduates of 2020 who will be missing out on what we understand is deemed as one of the most important milestones in their lives.

The lack of physical graduation ceremonies should, however, not stop us from commemorating this important milestone. The internet is an amazing resource – worldwide, schools have capitalised on it to bring their convocation online, with students who are now back in their home countries simultaneously logging in to attend a virtual ceremony. On our part, we can similarly easily set up video calls with our graduating friends to send our congrats, and better still, tap on online delivery services to surprise them with graduation flower gifts. This is a great way to let our friends know that we haven’t forgotten about their achievements, and are here to celebrate with them in spirit. For ideas on graduation gifts, check out this previous article on the best graduation gifts new grads will love. There may be a multitude of plausible gifts, but when thinking about graduation gifts, one of the first things that come to our minds might possibly be a beautiful flower bouquet. It could almost be said to be a mainstay in all graduation pictures – apart from the gown and the certificate, one would be hard-pressed to find a graduate without a bouquet nestled snugly in their arms. If you are thinking of gifting your friend that graduation bouquet, there are many flower delivery services that could easily do you the favour. But hold up! Before you delve into a fervent search for flowers for your graduating friend/child/relative, let’s take some time to find out the why behind flower gifting at graduation ceremonies. That way, you could make your gift a lot more meaningful to the receiver and ensure that this pseudo-graduation becomes even more memorable.

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5 Tips To Keeping Cut Hydrangeas Last Longer

Hydrangea is a very popular cut flower because of its lush and colourful blooms. Hydrangea originated from Southern and Eastern Asia, in countries such as Japan, China, the Himalaya and Indonesia, as well as North and South America. They usually bloom in abundance between March to September. However, like any other fresh cut flowers, hydrangea wilt very quickly and more so compared to other types of fresh cut flowers.  If not treated correctly, cut hydrangeas may start wilting as soon as within a day or even hours. But fret not, as there are ways you can keep fresh cut hydrangeas for a longer time.

A close up of a flower

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hydrangea flower

Here are 5 tips on how you can make these exquisite flowers last longer in your home! :

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Father’s Day

Being a Dad myself, father is often the forgotten ‘lot’, in some quiet small way, father’s do want to feel important too and what’s most important to Dads today is knowing that their children are still thinking of them. Yes, it is the thought that matters most. What better way to remind Dad that you are still thinking of him by sending him something this father’s day.

Father’s Day Gifts

Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Father’s was first celebrated in the 20th century in the United States to complement the popularity of Mother’s Day. Today, many countries celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June, though it is also celebrated widely on other days.

Father’s Day is a great time to remind Dad , he has a place in your heart. True to some extend, dads are notoriously hard to buy gifts for. After all, the classic tie can only be presented so many times ,which incidentally ranks as the most popular of all Father’s Day gifts. Golf clubs and hammers—don’t ask—are also popular presents.

At 24hrscityflorist.com we try to provide a wider range of FOR HIM gifts and added, wines, champagnes, chocolates, perfumes, and now, even SPA treatment experience.

How To Wrap A Rose Bouquet – Easy & Simple

Rose bouquets are one of the most popular choices when someone places order for a flower delivery. sending flower deliveries. Widely known to symbolise love and passion, it’s also a classic choice for many who just love a classic bloom.

If you’re someone who loves roses or if you enjoy gifting rose bouquets to your loved ones, why not do something special and try wrapping your own bouquet instead? It’s simple and easy! Read on to find out the steps and tips on how to do so. We also have a comprehensive video tutorial for you to refer to.

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15 Flowers That Symbolise Love To Add Into Your Bouquet

XXX flowers = XXX meanings

From a time immemorial to our contemporary souls today, flowers have been alluded meanings by ancient traditions and folk cultures. Perhaps back then when people were not quite as preoccupied with work, school and modern-day shenanigans, they could afford the luxury of time to compose mythical narratives and concoct imaginative parables, creating the notion of flower symbolism that we know of today. While some lexical semantics have faded in tandem with history, others have withstood the test of time and continue to be memorialised and perpetuated amongst flower-lovers or anthophiles (a term to describe people who adore flowers, apparently) today.

As far as romanticism is concerned, a significant lot of flowers have been accorded with metaphors for love, affection and adoration. Love can be interpreted in a multitude of ways — love for a partner, love for friends and love for family — which resultantly, opens up a plethora of different flowers symbolising the varying spectrums of love.

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Ways to express your love through flowers

Giving of Flowers

Flower gifting should hold a spot amongst the universal love languages. It is an act so commonly associated with the expression of love (be it romantic love, friendship, familial love), that if you see a person holding a flower bouquet, an immediate assumption would be that this lucky gal (or guy) is being appreciated by someone else. Unfortunately, it is also this very universality of flower bouquets that has made flower gifting seem uncreative, cliched and insincere at times. Especially with the younger generations priding themselves on innovation and uniqueness, we are afraid that flower gifting might sadly become a dying art. That would be an absolute shame because flowers and the meanings they carry are still one of the most beautiful forms of communication around. To bring back some of the former glory to this spectacular gift of nature, we have come up with some unique ways to express yourself through flowers.

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Graduating in a year of a Global Pandemic

A long-awaited season, the time of graduation is near. Laughter, hugs and congratulatory praises frequent the scene as happy crowds fill up schools and institutions. Friends and families carrying bags of gifts take onto the streets, an occasion once again thriving with flower deliveries. Seniors don upon their dark blue gowns, excitement and pride surging as they wait for their anticipating audiences and the ceremony to begin.

Graduation ceremonies have long been observed as a day of giving. Flower bouquet s and gifts taking several forms, from beautiful flower assortments and wrapped vegetable medleys, to small keychain memorabilia and huge fluffy toys, are exchanged throughout the day. Graduation bouquet or physical gift-giving, such gifts, from the start are already known to be the best addition of love and joy in these times of celebratory occasions. They serve to applaud the day of fruitful achievements, and to commemorate the students’ years of hard work and efforts in this chapter of their lives.

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6 Things to Do During Circuit Breaker

As Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the extension of the circuit breaker, Singaporeans all around the island breathed a collective sigh. After 2 weeks of working from home, going through home-based learning and reducing general movement, we had all been looking forward to May 4 – no, not Star Wars day – when the circuit breaker would be over. With a long month ahead of us, we should view this time at home not as a sad and isolating period, but a good time to explore new things that we wouldn’t otherwise have had the time to try out. Below is a list of 6 things that you can do during the circuit breaker period that range from productive to fun:

1. Make Dalgona Coffee

Mm, cafe style coffee in 20 minutes!

As restaurants and eateries all around Singapore closed, coffee addicts like myself scrambled to find a way to satisfy my cravings. After seeing multiple TikTok and Instagram videos featuring the frothy and cafe-style Dalgona coffee, I decided to give this trendy beverage a try. After spending 20 minutes standing over my kitchen counter with a hand whisk, the final product was a beautiful cup of frothy brown coffee foam on top of fresh milk, much like the photo above.

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Staying strong in the face of COVID-19

“When life seems to be in a constant state of frenzy, flowers can provide us with a much-needed moment of calm” – Dr. Erin Largo-Wight, PhD Associate Professor of University of North Florida’s Department of Public Health

The past recent months have been tough for everyone due to the outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Frontline medical workers, small and medium enterprises, businesses, banks and individuals have all been directly impacted by COVID-19.

In the midst of widespread disruption and economic recession, it’s tough to go about one’s daily life with lockdowns happening globally and in Singapore – stricter measures have just been announced in a bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus. However what we must remember to do is stay calm and positive, in order to beat COVID-19 together.

While it’s easy to get caught up in anxiety and worry during this period, receiving or making a flower delivery can help calm us down and provide the much needed relief we need. Read on to find out what you can do to stay positive during this stressful period.

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Giving and Receiving Condolence Flowers

Giving Condolence Flowers

It was 11 years ago; 11 years ago when I first gave a condolence flower to a friend. My friend was just 13 years old and she was lying in the coffin while I stood there, not wanting to believe what was before me.

funeral basket
condolence flower basket

Till this day, I still hold vivid memories of Daisy who passed away back in 2009. I was 13 then, and as a young teenager, my mind just could not comprehend what had just happened. I had pontang (pretended to be sick to miss school) school that day, when about 2.30pm after school hours I received a phone call from a school mate I was never really close to. It was odd. The moment I picked up the call, all I could hear was my friend crying as she struggled to tell me that Daisy had died. “What do you mean Daisy died?”, I asked, simply completely confounded. She just kept repeating, through her tears, that Daisy had died and that I should come to school now. As I lived just opposite the school, I ran as fast as I could and reached pretty soon. It was then that the school had gathered all students in our cohort to announce the death of my dear friend, Daisy. I was extremely shocked, and at the same overwhelmed by this sense of unbearable heaviness. There were so many words unspoken, there were so many regrets that I had.

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Top Mother’s Day Gift Ideas (during this covid-19 pandemic)

mother’s day flowers

There is nothing like a Mother’s love.

That saying rings true throughout centuries. Instances of a mother’s love overcoming all odds are plentiful – from mothers sacrificing themselves for their child, to simple acts as putting their child first in all aspects of their life. Our mothers are arguably the most important woman in our life. She’s the one who gave birth to us, brought us up, and held our hands through all the seasons that we’ve faced in our life.

10 May 2020 is Mother’s Day. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic where all of us are staying at home in self-isolation, there are tons of ways we can thank and appreciate our mothers. Why not take this opportunity to send a surprise flower delivery or whip up a homecooked meal for her? Read on to find out some ways you can celebrate Mother’s Day and what gifts and mother’s day flowers she would appreciate during this challenging period.

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A Reflection on Flower-Giving This Mother’s Day

I grew up in Singapore within the warm embrace of flowers. My grandmother’s name was Rose, and just like the flower, she was beauty and grace. She named our house ‘Rose Ville’, and what a fitting name it was! The garden was filled with flowers and plants of various colours and types, and every day, my grandmother would tend to the garden as she would a child – lovingly and patiently. I remember rolling on the grass and breathing in the scent of the blossoming flowers as my grandmother worked. I remember too the smell of roses scattered on top of her coffin as I said my final goodbyes. In my mind, roses will always be a gentle reminder of her dedication and grace. 

Flowers are special creatures. They carry with them the memory of something or someone special. Deeply imprinted in my mind is the image of my mother coming home after a long day of work, clutching a huge bouquet of roses for my grandmother for Mother’s Day. ‘Happy Mother’s Day, Ma. I got this from a florist near me’, she said, somewhat sheepishly. Our family was unused to extravagant displays of affection. ‘Why did you buy this, it will only die!’, my grandmother scolded in Cantonese, but I distinctly remembered her flustered smile and the way her fingers slowly caressed the flowers. As a kid observing this strange proceeding from behind the wall, I was enlightened – ah, Mother’s Day is a time of gifting flowers to your mother! I felt slightly awkward that I had not realised that earlier and crept up the stairs to feign sleep in bed.

Mother’s Day Flower Basket
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How Flower Delivery Is Done In Singapore @ 24hrsCityFlorist.com

How Your Flowers Are Being Delivered in Singapore by 24HrsCityFlorist.com

Over the years we have been receiving many queries about how orders are being delivered to the recipient. We have put together some of the frequently asked questions into an easy to understand explanation on how our delivery protocol is executed. We hope by sharing this post our viewers and customers understand the method we adopted and improved over the years so as to ensure a successful delivery each and every time.

Our Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for delivery.

We adopted a professional SOP when it comes to ensuring orders placed with 24hrscityflorist.com are delivered successfully and on time. Our delivery SOP is also explained in our delivery policy. We have been improving our SOP for flower delivery since the start of our online business in 2004 and have delivered over ten of thousands of deliveries since to the satisfaction of our customers.

We provide 24 hour flower delivery and same day flower delivery service anywhere in Singapore. In essence all our delivery of flowers and gifts are arranged and secured properly into the delivery vehicles. We do not use bikes or any uncovered trucks. We used only covered vans and specially trained drivers to follow strict delivery protocol who have experience with handling fresh flower delivery and gifts.

Flower Delivery Infographic
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From cradle to grave -flowers for every season of life.

Flowers, beautiful and intricate as they are, go through different stages of life. They start out as flower buds before blooming and ultimately, fade and wilt away. This mirrors our own life cycle where every single person goes through various seasons and stages. We are born, live life to the fullest and when our time is up, death becomes our final destination.

One thing is certain. Nature – through flowers – show us that such a cycle is inevitable. Every moment from birth to death is beautiful in its own way. Flowers are the one constant gift that accompanies us through the different stages of our life, be it the ups or downs. If you know a loved one who has recently lost someone dear, and would like to express your deepest condolences, why not send a thoughtful flower wreath or stand? Do read on to find out when is the right time to arrange a flower delivery for a condolence flower stand or to find out which type of arrangement would be best to send to the grieving family.

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Making The Bold Move To Becoming A Florist

We all talk about taking off from work to pursue our dreams but how many of us are actually courageous enough to pursue your dreams as your career? Staying in a safe corporate job might seem stable, but for those who are looking to take a bold step into the unknown and chase your dreams of being a florist – read on to find out what other Singapore florists have done, and how to start turning your dreams of working with flowers into reality? 

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What do women want for Valentine’s Day?

Red roses, romantic notions and sweet cards. These are amongst some of the things which are associated with 14 February – Valentine’s Day.

It’s the day of the year where flower deliveries are in full swing. Boyfriends and husbands rush to florists and grab or order bouquets to be sent to their loved one. Valentine’s flower bouquets & chocolates are being delivered across the island. It’s the day where most restaurants with romantic vibes are booked out and also a day when expectations are at an all-time high.

Do women really expect gifts on Valentine’s Day? Do they also want to be treated a special way? We had previously shared an article on how to make your partner feel special on Valentine’s Day but read on if you’d like to know how what women really want on this romantic occasion.

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My First Flower Delivery

my first flower delivery

Every girl remembers her first flower bouquet delivery. Be it a rose or a dried flower bouquet, it’s a special occasion which she will never forget. The sheer joy of holding a bunch of fresh flowers from someone she likes or loves is bound to excite and delight her beyond words.

Having a bouquet of flowers delivered to your school, house or office is a sweet romantic gesture. It could be for your birthday, anniversary or even for no reason at all! It’s one thing to receive a beautifully worded text but another thing to receive a physical bouquet delivery. Every woman might have received flower bouquets at different stages of her life, from her schooling days to her first crush, her first boyfriend or from her family member. Thinking back, I still remember the very first time I received a flower bouquet from someone I cared about…

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108+ Sample Love Messages (Romantic Messages Advice For Singaporean Men)

Love Messages Singaporean Style

Love is in the air, Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Ever been stumped by what to write on a blank gift card when you’re at a florist trying to send your girlfriend a flower delivery? Don’t fret – you’re not the only one. While you may be able to do a quick search online for typical romantic lines or romantic messages, it may not sound au natural as most that would pop up are popular movie romantic quotes or not very useable classic ones that may come across as not very authentic or original. How do you write a love message? Singaporean men are not often known to be romantic and if you’re struggling to find some samples love messages or asking “how to write a love message to my girlfriend” or you are looking for inspiration to write or text to your girlfriend, partner or wife, do read on.

writing your first love message

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First Date Tips For Men

First Date

First dates and impressions matter, a lot. More often than not, it’s the first date that determines whether the person you’re interested in agrees to go out with you again. You’re both nervous but a great first date definitely makes up for all the uncertainty that may arise beforehand. Do girls really like surprise flower bouquets on the first date? Here’s how to impress your date so that you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to clinch the next one.

It’s almost 6pm and you’re all nerves while looking at yourself in the mirror, questioning yourself if you’re too overdressed or if your date would appreciate the bouquet of flowers you ordered from an online florist. Plenty of other guys have been in your shoes too. It’s perfectly normal to be excited yet worried about the first date because first impressions stick and if you’re keen on pursuing the girl of your dreams, you definitely won’t want the first date to be your last.

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How To Arrange Flowers

How to arrange flowers

Always had the impression that table flower arrangements should be left to professional florists and shouldn’t be attempted at home? You thought wrong. While many often reply and opt for flower delivery services and purchase table arrangements put together by professional florists, it is actually possible for anyone to put together your own arrangement. All it takes is a determined mindset, a vase/pot or basket and a bunch of blooms to get started. If you’ve always wanted to try, read on to find out how to learn the basics of table flower arrangements and how to go about beautifying your home. 

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What is flower therapy and why is it good for you?

Flower bouquets are most commonly associated with “romance” and “gifts”. Usually, having a florist for delivery a bouquet of roses to your special someone is akin to professing your love for her. However, apart from viewing flowers as merely something material, have you ever found time to stop and smell the roses? It just might do you good.

Flower therapy is basically how flowers and blooms nourish your soul and keep you feeling refreshed. While it is a known fact that flower bouquets make excellent gifts for various occasions, they also stir up positive emotions in individuals and serve as great mood lifters. Research has also proven that blooms enrich our lives and reduce the stress levels in our lives. Read on to find out more about why flowers make the best gifts, which flowers are most suitable for which occasions and how flowers have the power to fill our lives with much joy.

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How To Make Fresh Flowers Last Longer?

Looking for a way to make your flower bouquet to last longer? Freshly cut flowers don’t last forever and it’s perfectly normal to want to enjoy your flowers longer. Be it a bouquet sent by a loved one or freshly cut flowers you bought for yourself, read on to find out easy yet effective tips on how to keep your blooms looking fresh.

The truth about fresh flowers

Freshly cut flowers, like any other living thing, has a lifespan. But that doesn’t mean that it has to be a short one. We all understand the pain of spending a hefty sum on a beautiful bouquet of flowers, only to have it wilter within the next three days. However, did you know that you can extend your flower’s lifespan by taking proper care of your blooms?

Here at 24hrscityflorist.com would like to share with you our experience with handling, conditioning and keeping fresh cut flowers as long as possible especially in the tropical heat of Singapore. 24hrscityflorist.com provides fresh flower delivery together with same day flower bouquet delivery anywhere in Singapore.

First off, the type of flowers matter. Different types of freshly cut flowers have different lifespans. Here’s a list with their estimated lifespans.

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The Difference Between Dried And Fresh Flowers

dried flower bouquet

Flowers have such beauty. However, a fact of nature is that beauty fades and so do flowers. It’s nature’s way of telling us that nothing lasts forever. The question then arises, what would be a great alternative to fresh flowers if we would want something to last longer? Heard about dried or preserved flower Singapore? If you want to know the difference between fresh and dried flowers, how long do dried flowers last and the symbolism of dried flowers, then do read on to find out more.

Freshly cut flowers are gorgeous. Not only do they look amazing, they smell great too. There’s also something symbolic about having fresh blooms in one’s house or sending a fresh flower bouquet to someone. Fresh blooms symbolise hope, brightening up rooms at home and lifting one’s mood. Flowers also come in all shapes, colours and types – making it the perfect accessory for your home.  Today, one just need to google and you can choose a wide ranging flower arrangements and flower bouquets and send it for a flower delivery from any online florist. However, sadly, freshly cut flowers last about a week or so on average.

That prompts many to ask what the alternatives to fresh flower bouquets would be. Dried flower bouquets, which are equally as trendy as fresh flower bouquets, would be a cost-efficient and effective solution. Not only do they still retain the beauty of the blooms, they also last longer and are more cost efficient.

fresh flowers
fresh flowers

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Most Common Questions About Flowers in Singapore

What are the top most common questions florists get from customers in Singapore? It is no mistake flowers are one of the most sought after gifts in Singapore. They are a universal gift for almost any occasion. However, there are still many basic facts about flowers that are still a mystery to many. We are here to help uncover some of these commonly asked questions with easy to understand answers.

Here are the top 20 most common questions florists get from customers:

  1. How to take care of fresh cut flowers? / How to make fresh flowers last long?
  2. How much water do cut flowers need?
  3. How long can flowers last without water?
  4. How to dry flowers?
  5. Do cut flowers need sunlight?
  6. How do I display flowers in a vase?
  7. How do I buy flowers?
  8. How do you press flowers?
  9. How do you revive dying flowers?
  10. How long would flower in a bouquet last?
  11. Can I customize my own bouquet?
  12. Will my flowers die if I leave them in the car?
  13. When can I gift someone flowers?
  14. What type of flowers are suitable as a romantic gift?
  15. Will my flowers attract insects?
  16. Which flowers smell the best?
  17. Why are my flowers dying?
  18. Can I send flower anonymously?
  19. Can I keep flowers in the fridge?
  20. Can I use sugar as a replacement for flower food?

We at 24HrsCityFlorist offers a wide range of flowers. For example, the length of time fresh cut flowers last differ from species to species. Even within the same type of flowers such as roses, different species of roses last longer than others. We endeavour to answer the questions above based on general or more commonly purchased fresh cut flowers in Singapore and not based on any specific types of flowers or species. 24HrsCityFlorist.com is a brick and mortar shop located in lavender street and an online florist offering same day flower delivery anywhere in Singapore. This includes flower bouquet, condolence flowers, opening flower stands, graduation flowers, baby hampers, festive hampers, bridal bouquets, table arrangements and many more.

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