24hrsCityFlorist.com started creating quirky bouquets or fun character bouquets as we often call it since 2011. As a request from our customer, we attempted to arrange our first character bouquet or quirky bouquet back in 2009. And since then, we have been the Singapore florist making flower delivery of the quirky kind – from hello kitty bouquet to puppy bouquet to panda bouquet to cookie monster bouquet and many more.

Quirky Bouquet
The latest addition into our family of quirky bouquets or character bouquets or fun bouquets is our quirky bouquet – three adorable faces arranged with chrysanthemum balls and red roses and colourful gerberas. A fun way to cheer someone up at the office of home.

quirky bouquet

quirky hand bouquet

One Cute Chick
Send this adorable chick arranged with chrysanthemum flowers to that ONE CUTE CHICK you met. Guaranteed to draw attention and smiles and may be even admiration.

one cute chick

one cute chick

Hello Kitty Bouquet
This popular ‘cat with no mouth’ called ‘Hello Kitty’ is a fictional character produced by Sanrio, a Japanese company. Hello Kitty is created by Yuko Shimizu and currently designed by Yuko Yamaguchi. She is depicted as an anthropomorphic white Japanese Bobtail cat-inspired character with a red bow. Originally hello kitty was made for pre-adolescent females, since the, the market has broadened to include consumers of all ages. Hello kitty is found in a variety of products ranging from school supplies to fashion accessories and high-end consumer products such as diamond necklaces. And now in the form of a fresh flower bouquet.

hello kitty bouquet

hello kitty bouquet

At the launch of our hello kitty bouquets, they were well received. Guys who know their girl friends are into hello kitty, sent this bouquet at the delight of the recipients. Even our celebrity DJ, Glen Ong ordered a hello kitty bouquet for his then girl friend (now wife) Jean Danker. 24HrsCityFlorist.com provided the flower delivery right to Mediacorp at Caldecott.

Puppy Bouquet
Inspired by the hello kitty bouquet, together with our senior florists, we decided to create and arrange a more generic and with a more mass appeal yet at the same time a well-loved character bouquet.

We wanted to create something different from the regular bouquets we have been making all these years. We gather our florists and told ourselves that it must be firstly, unique, adorable yet appealing to the masses. A bouquet that speaks of love with a tinge of playfulness. We had to be bold and sassy. We decided on to create a puppy bouquet. Admittedly, our first few attempts needed more tweaking and after a few trials, we finally perfected the puppy bouquet we could confidently say we are really proud of. We introduced our puppy bouquet along with our puppy love theme – Rekindling Those Puppy Love Moments

That’s how our puppy bouquet was born. We conducted some research in the internet and found some puppy bouquets but none showed one arranged in a hand held bouquet. There were some European florists that use chrysanthemums to arrange puppy arrangements but given the taboo we Asians regard chrysanthemum flowers, we decided to use the next best flowers with lots of petals and at the same time keeping the cost low. Carnations was the obvious answer, and hence forth, carnations have been the-facto flowers we will use for most of our character arrangements. To our surprised, the puppy bouquet was and is still very well received. Firstly, the puppy is cute and very adorable. Puppy bouquet can be sent for any occasions from sending a love message to an apology message to birthdays and even get well wishes. That’s when we adopted the puppy into a basket arrangement too. The puppy bouquet has become our all seasons bouquet. We posted our puppy bouquet in Pinterest just over 2 years ago and has now garnered over 300 pins and re-pins.

puppy bouquet

puppy bouquet

Here’s a written review from our florist Jaslyn:

What comes to your mind when you come across the term “Puppy Love”?

Thinking back, most of us have found this experience to be a memorable and perhaps, cute one. One that would make us smile whenever we think about it. One most of us have been through during our younger days. An infatuation, a what seemed like an irresistible attraction… that racing heart, sweaty palms, cold feet, and stammering when that very special someone makes a conversation.

The Puppy Love bouquet designed and created by the florists in 24Hrs City Florist have seamlessly nailed the idea of making one feel the indescribable affection all over again. The clever and outstanding design has made it hard to take one’s eyes away. Whether or not the receiver of this bouquet has a puppy, he or she would be so drawn to it that everyone we know whom have received it have expressed that they feel more inclined to taking care of the flowers as compared to receiving a classic flower bouquet.

puppy in a basket

Puppy in a basket

Smiley Bouquet
We continue to experiment on other types of character bouquets. The smiley bouquet was one that was created soon after the puppy bouquet. That is none other then the well known ‘smiley’ bouquet made popular by the emoji we have come to recognize its frequent appearance in our daily casual texting. The smiley bouquet is a very simple but equally amusing bouquet, arranged with bright yellow carnations and with the eyes and mouth labelled with laminated imprints. Just like what the name says, the smiley bouquet brings about not just a smile but also a certain ‘emoji’ to the person who received it.

smiley bouquet

smiley bouquet

Angry Bird Bouquet
Following the smiley, we started receiving ‘customized’ request from customers. One we were challenged to attempt was Angry Bird. This once very popular character is a video game franchise created by Finnish company Rovio Entertainment. The series focuses on multi-colored birds who try to save their eggs from green-colored pigs. The character was originally released in Dec 2009 by for Apple iOS and by 2014, the game was downloaded over 3 billion times collectively. An undisputed great runaway hit during those years. Having feature angry bird character bouquet in our webstore, we have come to realized, a majority of our customers who bought the bouquet had similar message to the recipient – that is, requesting the recipient not to be angry and asking for forgiveness. Angry Bird bouquet is now known to be our popular ‘I’m sorry’ bouquet and is now featured under our Apology segment.

angry bird bouquet

angry bird bouquet

Elmo Bouquet
Soon after, we had another request from our customer to arrange Elmo- a Muppet character on the popular children’s television show Sesame Street. He is a furry red monster with a falsetto voice that many of use grew up learning and loving it. Our Elmo Bouquet which depicts The Elmo character has been like an evergreen favourite character to many – yes, even the younger generations.

elmo bouquet

elmo bouquet

Piggy Bouquet

piggy bouquet

Our next attempt on a new character bouquet was meant to appeal more to our local Chinese audience. The criteria was to have a character that is likeable, adorable, universal and most importantly a character most young girls would love. We literary created Piggy Bouquet from thin air. No, not the piglet from Winnie the pooh nor Ms piglet who appears in the television programme The Muppets. Piggy bouquet is your common everyday plumpish rosy pink piglet that could represent someone with a sensation appetite or someone who live to sleep – attributes that perhaps every one of us could have once possessed.

Panda Bouquet
The piglet bouquet would give rise to our next creation which is the Panda Bouquet. The panda bear or simply panda, is a bear native to south central China. It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Needless to say, this adorable creature is well loved the world over not just for its cute and clumsiness but also its rarity. True to its popularity, the panda bear has its own following and the many panda fans around the world are testimony to how liked this bear is. In Singapore Sept 2012 , the popularity is fueled by the arrival of the male and female panda bears kai kai and jia jia. Singapore gone pandamania from then onwards.

panda bouquet

panda bouquet

Minion Arrangement
Unless you have been hiding under the rock for a long while, the Minions invaded Singapore in 2013 and melted the hearts and souls of many Singaporeans particularly the young at heart. No amount of scientific theories are able to explain how a bunch of yellow cuteness in the blue jumpsuit could sweep over Singapore with such impact leaving many of us even talking banana banana potatooo. It is totally 99% adorable, 1% despicable. First it was the minion toys, then the minions came in the form of huge plush figurines, tee shirts, mugs, hair clips and nail-art. Today, even the food that we eat not even spared from minionmania. Confectionaries and bakery stores and eateries are now capitalizing on this minion craze by offering minion-inspired cakes and minion cupcakes. How about minion flower arrangement we thought? In 2014, we hatched a plan to create precisely this yellow lump of head using yellow carnations and a specially made one-eye goggle to depict the despicable minion eyes. And the catchword we promoted with is “ Tell her she is One in a Minion! “ . Our minion table arrangement has connected many hearts, shed tears, bought warmth and built peace for the people who shared it with.

minion flower

minion flower

Fat Cat Bouquet
It wasn’t until 2015 we spotted an adorable cupcake decorated into an extremely fat cat with long whiskers and pointy nose. So adorable, it was sinful just eating it. We thought if the bakers can create a fat cat out of a cupcake, why we can’t create a fat cat out of a flower arrangement? The challenge had led us to design a somewhat spherical head made out of white carnations and pinned a nose with a few long cable ties to form the all familiar cat’s whiskers. Once done, we adored it very much and called it Fat Cat Bouquet.

fat cat in a basket

fat cat in a basket

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster Bouquet

Cookie Monster Bouquet

In 2016, we experimented with dying carnations flowers and gotten just the right tone of blue for the inception of what is now known as our eye catching Cookie Monster Bouquet. With the signature big eye balls and his favourite chocolate cookies, cookie monster bouquet now looks very much like cookie monster – a character most of us would recognized. Just like Elmo, Cookie Monster is a Muppet in the long-running children’s TV show Sesame Street. He is best known for his voracious appetite and his famous eating phrases, such as “Me want cookie!”, “Me eat cookie!” and “Omm nomm nomm nom” (said through a mouth full of cookies). We wondered what would be a good phrase to tag on our newly created cookie monster bouquet. At first, we thought of the phrase “me want you, me eat you..” was too much of a caveman calling for a mate. Eventually we settled for something that would please the recipient when she receive a uniquely arranged Cookie Monster bouquet with a tagline that reads “I won’t trade you for all the cookies in the world.. “ still with a cookie sticking out of the mouth.

Pokeball Bouquet
Another game app that took the world by storm including Singapore is Pokémon GO. This is an augmented reality app created by Nintendo. Pokémon Go features a GPS-enabled map of the player’s real-world surrounding. After tapping on the creatures, the app opens up the smartphone’s camera, showing the Pokémon seemingly moving in the real world. Pokemon Go involves the capturing and training of a variety of fictional creatures called ‘Pokémon’ and using them to battle other trainers. PokeBall is a type of item that is critical to a Trainer’s quest, used for catching and storing Pokemon. We figured, a Pokeball was simple enough to create using fresh carnations and the tagline would simple be ‘Toss this Pokeball and tell her ~ “I choose you!” . You now have Pokeball Bouquet.

pokemon bouquet

pokemon bouquet

Monster Inc Bouquet

The scariest thing about being scared is be presented with this – a lookalike Sullivan from Monster Inc.


We at 24hrsCityFlorist.com will continue to create quirky and fun lookalike character bouquets and we can help spread a little cheer, a little light heartedness to everyone. We provide florist flower delivery anywhere in Singapore.

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