All you need to know about Tuberose – From its origins to what they symbolise and how you can take care of them

The Tuberose – despite having rose in its name, the flower is actually one from the Asparagaceae family. A lovely white sole blooming flower, the Tuberose is one with a bounty of history and significance behind its seemingly simple exterior.
History of Tuberose
The Tuberose originates from Mexico. It was introduced to Europe during the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the 16th century and eventually introduced to Asia. During the reign of Louis XIV, it was known to perfume the corridors of Versailles. The King’s gardeners brought in 10,000 tuberose bulbs for the Trianon plantations. As such, the Tuberose gained acclaim for its fragrance and was often seen to be a mark of royalty. Since the 19th century, the production of Tuberose has increased although it is mainly grown for its fragrance in perfumery.
Symbolism and Meaning of Tuberose
For hundreds of years, perfumes have been made using Tuberose. The scent of this flower is one revered by many cultures across time. The flowers were also important in Hawaiian wedding ceremonies and funerals in Victorian England. These flowers are symbolic of purity, peace and innocence, and this also means that they are often used in bridal bouquets. In some cultures, these flowers are also known to ward off the evil eye.Today, these once ubiquitous flowers are gaining traction and popularity especially for their distinct scent.
Facts about Tuberose
The common name derives from the Latin tuberosa through French tubéreuse,meaning swollen or tuberous in reference to its root system. It is no longer found in the wild, probably as a result of being domesticated by the Aztecs. It is currently grown in many tropical and temperate countries. In India, tuberose is harvested every morning from May to December. The name of this flower, in Hindi, means night fragrance. In India, tuberose is widely used for festivals, religious rituals and weddings, mainly as a garland to decorate the bridal room of the newlyweds.
How to take care of a Tuberose
Tuberose is a flower that can be grown at home, provided there is sufficient sunlight. If you intend to grow Tuberoses, select a sunny site or container with good drainage protected from wind. Cut when there are 2-4 open blooms per spike.Tuberoses can be slow growing plants and in general take about four months to bloom from starting growth.
Popular uses of Tuberose
Tuberoses have a very strong and distinct smell which make them a popular choice for essential oils. These flowers are also a staple for funerals and are normally used to make wreaths that are placed in coffins. In fact, Tuberose are used in Thai funerals to conceal the unpleasant scent from the corpse.
Funeral Flower

As part of the tribute flowers to convey condolences, Tuberose is one of the more popular flowers used for the arrangement of funeral flowers is the Tuberose – not just for its beauty and fragrance but also its relatively long lasting nature and their towering stems.
Where do florist use Tuberose? florist uses tuberose in many of their arrangement. Mostly in their funeral flower arrangements for its tall stems and sturdiness. The fragrance tuberose is a welcome sense too. Tuberose are also used for table flower arrangement too.
Written by Srinidhi
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