Grief, I learned, is a journey of shattering, then painstakingly reassembling the pieces of one’s soul. It’s a path no one can truly prepare for, filled with dark, winding passages that seem impossible to navigate. My own odyssey through this heart-wrenching landscape began when I lost my mother—an event that plunged me into a realm of sorrow, where the profound meaning of life itself became my obsession. And in that darkest of places, I found an unexpected source of solace and illumination—flowers.

My mother was not just a mother; she was the keeper of my secrets, the gentle compass guiding me through life’s tumultuous seas, and my dearest friend. When she left this world, a chasm opened in my existence, a void that seemed insurmountable. Days blurred into a ceaseless procession of tears and aching emptiness. But amidst this storm of grief, I began to notice the significance of flowers.

single white rose

The day of my mother’s funeral arrived, grey and heavy, mirroring the despair within me. The room was adorned with condolence flowers, vivid explosions of colour against a sea of sombre attire. These vibrant blossoms seemed out of place at a time of mourning, yet they held a secret language that whispered to my grieving heart.

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