Month: January 2022

Meaningful Ways to Give Flowers

At some point in time in most romantic relationships, there will be a bouquet of flowers involved. Yet because it is such a mainstay in relationships, we also want to be careful to avoid it becoming viewed as an obligation. Buying flowers is a simple act that doesn’t take much to execute – anyone with spare cash can do it. However, to make your bouquet stand out from the rest, it isn’t more cash that you need, but a thoughtful mind and a bucketful of sincerity. Today we share our two cents worth on what could help you level up your bouquet and re-instill meaning into flower giving. To do so, we shall split the methods into – occasion, delivery, flowers, and associated gifts.


Bouquet of Flowers

By far the best occasion to give is when there’s no occasion at all. Unexpected gifts are the most well-received because the receiver’s expectations are at zero, and with just a simple bouquet, the happiness counter can probably shoot through the roof. Whereas on special occasions, there’s probably already a baseline level of expectation about receiving a gift. Hence to receive flowers on a special occasion becomes a fulfilment of that expectation and not nearly as exciting as receiving a surprise bouquet. A surprise bouquet could be inferred in many ways, but the most common of which would be that you have been thinking of that person (regularly) and wanted to show that you care. With such sweet connotations, a surprise bouquet can melt even the hardiest of flower critics.

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Do Singaporean Girls Like Receiving Flowers?

Tens of years back, there probably was never such a question. Most would have (erroneously) assumed that any lady would be over the moon to receive flowers, or any other form of gift. Because back in those days, the lady’s value was conceptualized to be dependent on the man, and to receive a gift is a representation of being acknowledged by a man.

But the narratives have (fortunately) evolved with time. A woman’s value is shifting away from being dependent on the attraction from a man, and instead centered around one’s own values and achievements.

As such, merely buying a lady a gift any-o-how is no longer going to cut it. A gift without any meaning nor intention is not of value to the lady – if she had wanted the item, she could very well have bought it for herself – why wait around to receive it passively? This understanding helps us to answer the question of whether Singaporean girls like receiving flowers. Reflexively the answer is yes – intrinsically a bouquet of flowers does no harm and will be appreciated for all intended purposes. But gone are the days where just thrusting over a bouquet of flowers is significant enough. For the flowers to really make an impact and be worth its value, there must be thought and intention behind the gift. Thus making the flower delivery an experience rather than a task or duty.

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