The best flower bouquet for each month

Astrology – the word itself springs a multitude of debates. Is astrology real ? Should one believe in it ? Does our birth date actually spell out our personality and destiny ? Well, these questions, like many questions about the cosmos remain unanswered. However, you cannot deny that delving into the world of astrology is pretty fun – especially when what is being described truly strikes a chord with you ! While many know about the daily horoscope column in newspapers and information about the basic 12 signs, did you know that each sign also has a flower associated with it ? Interestingly, there are flowers known to be symbolic of signs in the zodiac and are linked to the traits of each sign. From the constellations of stars above to the seeds of flowers below, let’s take a journey to see which flowers are best suited for your zodiac sign ! These bouquets are available for flower delivery in Singapore.