Hello Kitty Bouquet
CODE: 1509
$165.00Hello Kitty look alike bouquet - Surprise her with this unique, cute bouquet arranged with white carnations and red roses bouquet. Please allow 1-day in advance of delivery date.
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Step 2: Select Delivery Date
Step 3: Select Timing
Delivery will be anytime within the selected time slot above.
For urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.
Hello Kitty Bouquet
CODE: 1509
- $165.00
Hello Kitty look alike bouquet - Surprise her with this unique, cute bouquet arranged with white carnations and red roses bouquet. Please allow 1-day in advance of delivery date.
Select your desired delivery date/time below:

delivery will be anytime within the selected time slot above.
for urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.